

2015-11-02 16:54:25 Á¢Ë¼³½Áôѧ 4008-941-360







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Immigrant Investor Programme

The investor scheme is designed to attract individuals with a successful background in business to invest in and relocate to the State. A range of investment options are provided for with different thresholds applied depending on the nature of the investment:

A once off endowment of a minimum of €500,000 to a public project benefiting the arts, sports, health or education.

A minimum €2,000,000 investment in a low interest immigrant investor bond. The investment is to be held for a minimum of five years. The details of the investment will be finalised with the National Treasury Management Agency in the coming weeks. The bond will be offered exclusively to participants in this scheme and will not be tradable on any market.

A minimum €1,000,000 venture capital funding into an Irish business for a minimum of three years. An investment into an Irish publicly quoted company could be considered but the investment level would have to be much higher.

A minimum €1,000,000 mixed investment in 50% property and 50% in Government securities. Special consideration could be given to those purchasing property, in the State, which have been enforced by NAMA. In such cases a single €1m investment in property might be sufficient. (N.B. the minimum investment threshold for mixed investments will be dependent on the type of investments proposed and will be determined on a pro rata basis)





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