Are you ever bothered by noise?
Noise drives me crazy. I have a really noisy neighbour, and I must admit that the walls of my apartment are not as thick as they could be. My neighbour often plays music late at night just when I am trying to sleep.
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
Once sound that takes me back to my childhood is the sound of someone washing clothes by hand. The slap slap slap of wooden paddle and the splash of the water remind me of going to the lake with my grandma – it’s a melodious sound that is calming and peaceful. She used to let me paddle my feet in the water as she did the washing. I’ll never forget that.
Drive me crazy 使我发疯 【欲望词搭】
Play music 放音乐 【探索词搭-手脚】
A melodious sound 一种悦耳的声音 【感受词搭】
Do the washing 洗衣服 【探索词搭-手脚】