Next to strawberries, blueberries arearguably the second most popular type of berry. Cultivated(耕种) in North America and Eastern Europe, blueberries can be eatenalone or used as part of recipe(食谱;秘方).Since they contain very few calories(卡路里), they‘re the perfect food if you are on a weight watch plan(减重计划)
Nutritional Information
A single cup of fresh blueberries hasroughly(大概的)1 gram protein,7 grams fiber, and70 calories.Blueberries contain no fat, no cholesterol, and no sodium. They are rich in antioxidants(抗氧化物); richer than fruits such as spinach, apples, grapes, andcherries. Because of this, they’re considered one of the healthiest fruits inthe world. There is, however, one downside to gorging on fresh blueberries:blueberry stains(沾染;误点) are difficult to get rid of, so be sure to watch how you handleyour berries, especially if you are wearing an expensive outfit.
Health Benefits
Blueberries come packed with phytonutrients(植化素), chemical compounds(化合物) that boost(促进) your body‘s immune system(免疫系统). The antioxidants(抗氧化物 ) have numerous health benefits. For one, they improve yourbody’s defenses against free radicals(游离基). Adopting a diet that is high in antioxidants also reduces yourrisk of developing neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and blood sugar levels.Combined with their fiber and low sodium content, blueberries can help lowercholesterol levels, improve your blood-fat(血脂) ratio, and protect your blood vessels from clogging(阻塞). Blueberries also boast anti-inflammatory(抗炎的) features, which reduce the damage caused by high-intensity(高强度) workouts
Picking and Storing Blueberries
When you buy blueberries, make surethey‘re firm and colored evenly(平衡的).Avoid them if they are soft or appear dull(暗淡的). If you are buying berries in a container, shake the containerto see, if they move about freely. If they do, that is an indicator(指标) that they are going soft and should be avoided. When storingyour berries, place them in a dry airtight can, and then freeze them. It isbest to leave your berries unwashed until you are ready to eat them so thatthey do not begin to degrade(退化;降级).
Blueberries have been enjoyed forcenturies. They pack very few calories and come with several health benefits.So the next time you go to the grocery store, give yourself a treat by buying some blueberries. Just makesure they are still firm and freshly plucked(采摘).
Vocabulary List:
Arguably /?ɑ?ɡj??bl?/ 可论证地;可以说
You can use arguably when you are stating your opinion or belief, as a wayof giving more authority to it.
They are arguably the mostimportant band since The Rolling Stones.
Protein 蛋白质
Fiber 纤维
Calories 卡路里
Fat 脂肪
Cholesterol 胆固醇
Sodium 钠
Grocery store 杂货店、小卖部;(由于欧美人没有中国式的菜场的这个概念,所以一般用go to grocery store来表达“买菜”这个意思)
Savory /?se?v?r?/ 可口的
Some companies have looked to the savory scents of our favorite processed foods for inspiration.