I had dinner with Uncle Bill.【Uncle是名字的一部分】
I had dinner with my uncle. 【my等代词说明并非特指某个亲戚】
I went to the store with Mother.【这里是具体指作者的母亲,等于代替了她的名字;换成母亲的名字句子也一样成立】
I went to the store with my mother. 【这里是不特指的普通名词;如果换成母亲的名字,则句子不成立】
I spoke with Dad last night.
I spoke with my dad last night.
Father is really nice.
My father is really nice.
Hi, Big Brother, what are you doing?【这样的大写符合上诉规则,但并不自然,也不常见】
Dear Granddaughter, Congratulations on graduating from college.【这里不是必须大写,但大写的情况很常见,也比较自然】