

2016-10-27 11:40:11 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






1. Here’s the problem with teleportation. 挪移。

2. Lay it on me. 说吧。

3. Personally, I would never use a transporter. Because the original Sheldon would have to be disintegrated in order to create a new Sheldon. 传送机。

4. Dennis is a highly sought after Doctorial candidate and we’re hoping to have him do his graduate work here. 抢手。博士在读。研究生工作。

5. Well, I lost a year while my family was tunneling out of North Korea. 想法穿越。

6. Advantage, Kim. 领先。

7. Dennis, we discussed this, we’re in the process of updating our equipment, and we welcome your input on our research goals, and we’ve agreed to look the other way if you want to use up to 20% of the grant money you attract to smuggle your grandfather out of Pyongyang. 更新。贡献。睁一只眼闭一只眼。偷运。

8. We want him here boys, make it happen. 排除困难把事儿办成。

9. You can count on us, we’re on it. 信赖、指望。现在就办。

10. He’s not wrong. 没说isn‘t。

11. You see where you went wrong, don’t you? 你知道你错哪儿了。

12. Come on, Dennis, I’ll show you the rec centre, they’ve gotnautilus equipment. 指recreation centre。鹦鹉螺【品牌名称】。

13. Still can’t talk to me unless you’re drunk, huh? Oh, sweetie, you are so damaged. 惨。

14. How about a hug for Howie? 指Howard的昵称。

15. Something you’d like to share? A tale of woe perhaps. 想和我们说什么吗?苦恼的故事。

16. You can’t let this kid get to you. 搞到。

17. You always knew that someday someone would come along who was younger and smarter. 总有一天比你更年轻、更聪明的人会出现【长江后浪推前浪】。

18. Yes, but I assumed I would have been dead hundreds of years, and that there would be an asterisk by his name because he would be a cyborg. 星号。生物体和人工智能合成的东西。

19. Well of course you don’t, you’ve never excelled at anything.

20. That’s what a rational person does when his entire life’s work is invalidated by a post-pubescent Asian wunderkind. 过了青春期。少年天才【wunder即wonder;kind即child,如kindergarten;也叫child prodigy】。

21. So I’ve decided, I’m going to collaborate with you. 合作。

22. What exactly is it you do? 你到底在做什么工作?

23. I know you chatter on about it all the time, but I’ve never really paid attention. 喋喋不休。

24. Okay, well, right now I’m designing an experiment to study the soft component of cosmic radiation at sea-level, but I really don’t need any help. 海平面。

25. What happens if you use argon lasers instead of helium neon?氩。氦。

26. “Pretty sure”’s not very scientific, is this how you normally work,just hunches and guesses and stuff? 就是一些感觉啦、猜测啦之类的。

27. If you’re concerned about sharing credit with me, your name can go first… I’m going. 分享荣誉。你可以署名在前。

28. Why would I make that up, there’s no ding-dong in it. 编造。傻瓜。

29. Hello, oompah-loompahs of science. 小说中一种可爱的人物。

30. I just came by to say hello. 顺便来打个招呼。

31. A small payload support structure for a European science experimental package that’s going up on the next space shuttle.载荷。航天飞机。

32. When this is done, it will be attached to the payload bay, and thesensor apparatus will rest on it. 舱。传感器。

33. Now, I notice you’re using titanium, did you give any consideration to carbon nanotubes, they’re lighter, cheaper and have twice the tensile strength. 钛。碳纳米管。拉伸强度。

34. Sheldon, there’s a diploma in my office that says I have amaster’s in engineering. 学历证书。硕士学位。

35. Curiouser and curiouser. 通常用more curious。

36. Howard: Is he here? Leonard: If he were, I wouldn’t be. 他要是在,我就不会在。

37. Leonard: Is that even possible? Raj: As it turns out, yes. 最后发现。

38. Hang on, are we talking about murdering Dennis Kim? I’m not saying no. 我并没说不行。

39. We don’t have to go that far, there are other means available. 没必要那么过分。方法。

40. The one thing that can completely derail a world class mind. 转移注意力。

41. Yeah, so, when I was fifteen I met Denise Polmerry and my grade point average fell from a 5.0 to a 1.8. 平均分数。

42. Look, I’ve decided that if the three of you drop whatever it is you’re working on and join me, we could lick cold fusion in less than a decade, twelve years tops. 你们仨。放弃。轻松解决。最多。

43. We need a hot fifteen-year-old Asian girl with a thing for smart guys. 喜欢。

44. Howard, that’s racist, any fifteen-year-old girl will do the trick. 搞定。

45. Look, I’m going to solve the Middle-East Crisis by building anexact replica of Jerusalem in the middle of the Mexican desert. 精确的复制品。耶路撒冷。

46. We’ll make it nice, put out a spread. 努力做。好吃的。

47. Okay, well, um, speaking of spreads, we’re having a smallwelcoming party this afternoon for Mr Kim, who’s agreed to join us here at the University. 说到。欢迎会。

48. Of course he has, the oracle told us little Neo was the one. 神谕、预言【与oration同源】。

49. You can see the Matrix, can’t you?。矩阵【电影中的科幻概念】。

50. I really don’t understand your objections, Professor Goldfarb, why wouldn’t the Senoran Desert make a perfectly goodpromised land? 上帝允诺的土地。

51. We could call it Nuevo Cherusalem. 应该是西班牙语的‘新耶路撒冷’。

52. Said Pharaoh to Moses. 法老。摩西。

53. It’s ‘take your daughter to work’ day. 可以带女儿上班的一个工作日。

54. There’s the man of the hour. 为他举办的活动、活动主题。

55. Okay, so we now have a socially awkward genius in a room full of attractive age-appropriate women. 不擅社交的。适龄。

56. Does anyone else see the flaw in this plan? 毛病、缺陷。

57. We need a social catalyst. 社交催化剂【酒之类】。

58. Leonard: Like what? We can’t get fifteen year-old girls drunk. Howard: Or can we? 你说怎么办?真的不能吗?

59. I don’t think you mean we can’t. I think you mean weshouldn’t. 不能做。不该做。

60. If there was another wailing wall, exactly like the one in Jerusalem, but close to taco stands and cheap prescription drugs, would you still be able to wail at it? 哭墙。带馅儿的卷饼、类似开口的合子。摊位。处方药。

61. Okay, we cannot leave this to chance, let’s pick a girl, and figure out how to get her together with Dennis. 任其自然发展。选。

62. I know the type, cheerleader, student council, goes out with jocks, won’t even look at anybody in the gifted programme. 类型。啦啦队。学生会。搞体育的。天才儿童教育方案。

63. And if, after two years of begging, she does agree to go out with you, it turns out to be a set-up and you’re in the back seat of your mom’s car with your pants off while the whole football team laughs at you. 陷阱。

64. Raj: Are you crying? Howard: No, I have allergies. 过敏。

65. If he wants to spend a couple of years doing her homework while she drinks herself into a stupor with non-fat White Russians, while you’re the one holding her head out of the toilet while she’spuking and telling you she wishes more guys were like you, and then she gets into Cornell because you wrote her essay for her, and you drive up to visit her one weekend and she acts like she doesn’t even know you. 酩酊大醉。不含脂肪。一种鸡尾酒。呕吐【最恶心的那种方式】。北上。

66. Interesting, kind of pretty, a little chubby so probably low self-esteem. 胖乎乎。【性方面】随便。

67. Oh no, she’ll never go for the kid once she gets a peek at this.选。看一眼。

68. Five minutes with her dad, twenty goats and a laptop and we’d be done. 应该就搞定了。

69. Alright, why don’t we do it your way then? 按你的办法。

70. We’ll arrange for this girl to move in across the hall from Dennis so he can pathetically moon over her for months on end. 痴想。连续。

71. We’re here to welcome Mr Dennis Kim to our little family.类似‘欢迎加入我们的集体’。

72. Mr Kim was not only the valedictorian at Stanford University, he is also the youngest recipient of the prestigious Stephenson Award.最优秀学生【做毕业演讲的学生】。得主。最负盛名的。

73. And now, without any further ado, let me introduce the man of the hour, Mr Dennis Kim. 不扯别的了。晚会主题、为他举办的活动。

74. Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured daughters. 尊敬的。

75. While Mr Kim, by virtue of his youth and naivety, has fallen prey tothe inexplicable need for human contact, let me step in and assure you that my research will go on uninterrupted, and that social relationships will continue to baffle and repulse me. 因为【due to、because of】。被害。介入。不间断地继续进行。

76. Yeah, mission accomplished. 完成任务。

77. Forget the mission, how did that little yutz get a girl on his own?傻逼。靠自己。

78. I guess times have changed since we were young. 和我们年轻时候比,时代已经变了。

79. Smart is the new sexy. 最受欢迎的东西。

80. Maybe we’re too smart. So smart it’s off-putting. 令人敬而远之、令人讨厌。

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