

2016-10-26 11:57:23 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






1.       Okay, then riddle me this. 给我解释一下这个疑问。

2.       Skynet is kinky? I don’t know. 诡异、变态。

3.       Assuming all the good Terminators were originally evil Terminators created by Skynet but then reprogrammed by the future John Connor, why would Skynet, an artificial computer intelligence, bother to create a petite hot 17 year-old killer robot? 终结者。重新编程。人工电脑智能。小巧。热辣。美女。

4.       Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes. 人工智能。迷恋少女的人、少女控【teen/teenager指13-19岁的少年】。

5.       Penny: You’ll never guess what just happened. Leonard: Oh, Igive up. 那不猜了。

6.       Well, the girl they picked to play Mimi, she dropped out and they asked me to replace her. 选择【口语中比choose更常见】。退出。

7.       Oh, congratulations, what a lucky break. 运气。

8.       So, lack of a physiological response while lying is characteristic of a violent sociopath. 反社会的人。

9.       That’s very true. 太对了。

10.  I highly doubt that. 上文用了I seriously doubt it。

11.  I would suggest something to the effect of, singing is neither an appropriate vocation nor avocation for you, and if you disagree, I’d recommend you have a CAT scan, to look for a tumour pressing on the cognitive processing centre of your brain. 大意是。职业【与voice有关,即召唤;vacation是假期,与vacuum同源】。副业。中国大陆通常用原缩写CT,即computed tomography【计算机断层扫描】;CAT指computer-assisted tomography【计算机辅助断层扫描】。

12.  It’s the social protocol, it’s what you do when you have a friend who’s proud of something they really suck at. 社交礼仪。不擅长。

13.  When we played chess earlier, you were terrific and I can’t wait to play you again. 和你下棋。

14.  I was analysing our lie, and I believe we’re in danger of Pennyseeing through the ruse. 有危险。正式问题通常用Penny‘s。看穿把戏。

15.  If she were to log on towww.socalphysicsgroup.org/activities/other, click on upcoming events, scroll down to seminars, download the pdf schedule, and look for the seminar on molecular positronium, well then, bibbidi bobbidi boo, our pants are metaphorically on fire. 登录。点击。近期将要开始的活动。向下滑动滚动条或者用滚轴滚动页面。PDF格式文件【portable document format;Adobe的e是发音的】。电影《灰姑娘》里的一首歌。谎言太大【源自儿歌Liar, liar, pants on fire!】

16.  Do you have any idea what time it is? 你知不知道。

17.  But as I’m saying this it occurs to me that once again your question may have been rhetorical. 我意识到。修辞的。

18.  I’m sorry this really isn’t my strong suit. 长项【原指扑克牌花色】。

19.  Yea, who most people call Leo, but he also answers to Lee, remember that, it’s important. 叫他某个名字也行。

20.  Details, Leonard, the success or failure of our deceitful enterpriseturns on details. 努力。取决于【hinge】。

21.  Well, first of all, your lie was laughably transparent, where mine isexquisitely convoluted. 可笑地。明显。高雅地。复杂。

22.  While you were sleeping I was weaving an un-unravelable web. 不可。破解。

23.  Yes, if she googles Leopold Houston she’ll find a facebook page, an online blog depicting his descent into drug use, and a desperate yet hopeful listing on e-harmony.com. 用Google搜索。堕落。吸毒。注册。

24.  No, of course not, there’s no cousin Leo, there’s no intervention, focus, Leonard. 注意点。

25.  We just leave the house on Friday night, and we return in the wee hours emotionally wrung out from the work of convincing Leo to go back into rehab. 凌晨。拧干【wring out】。戒毒【drug rehabilitation】。

26.  Yes, but, he can relapse if Penny ever invites us to go hear her sing again. 恢复坏习惯。

27.  For a noble purpose, to spare me the social embarrassment of having a drug-addled first cousin, which I’m assuming is embarrassing, yes? 为我免除。为了崇高的目的。被毒品所害。

28.  Oh boy, group hug. 大家一起拥抱。

29.  Wait a minute, Farminfarmian is speaking and you’re Bogartingthe symposium. 自私、耍流氓、耍大牌【来自Bogart扮演的角色】。

30.  Penny: It’s okay, I do, look, Leonard is helping Sheldon through a family crisis, he made up the whole story about the symposium with Dr Farmin..farm…ian. Sheldon: Good for you. 编造。做得不错【指努力记起名字】。

31.  No, I’m lost too, I think she skipped a step. 晕了。漏掉了点什么内容。

32.  Yeah, uh, break a leg. 祝演出成功。

33.  The Queen Mary is docked there, once the largest ocean liner in the world, it’s now a hotel and restaurant where they host a surprisingly gripping murder mystery dinner. 停泊。班轮【游轮是cruise】。主办、举办。扣人心弦。侦探小说、破案小说。

34.  I’m game. 我参加。

35.  Raj: Shotgun. Sheldon: No, no, no, Leonard gets nauseous unless he sits in front, and even then it’s iffy. 我坐前排。不把握【源自if】。

36.  What are you talking about, it’s fine, she bought it, it’s over.信。

37.  You didn’t read the bio, did you? 个人资料【biography】。

38.  He’s not just a middle child, he’s the quintessential middle child, from a broken home to boot. 中间的孩子【不是最大也不是最小的】。典型的。破碎的家庭。另外。

39.  I’m just trying to clean up after your mess. 给你收拾烂摊子。

40.  Au contraire. 指on the contrary【法语】。

41.  I’m 26 years old, I’m originally from (reads off crib notes)Denton, Texas, but I was a Navy brat so I was brought up on a variety of military bases around the world, as a result I’ve often felt like an outsider, never really fitting in, which is probably the reason for my substance abuse problem. 从某处读。作弊纸条,也叫cheat sheet。淘小子。军事基地。局外人。融入。嗑药【上文用了drug use】。

42.  As the quintessential middle child, your addiction is rooted in yourunmet need for attention. 上文用了drug use和substance abuse。没有得到满足的要求。

43.  Oh, Sheldon, are we really going to go with pop psychology. 选。老百姓自以为是的心理学。

44.  For your information, this is all based on solid research, stick with the character profile I wrote for you. 扎实的。个人资料【上文用了bio】。

45.  I’m sorry, Leonard, this is Toby Loobenfeld, he’s a research assistant in the particle physics lab, but he also minored in theatreat MIT. 兼修、辅修。戏剧【专业】。

46.  It was more of a double major actually. 双学位。

47.  You can guess which one my bourgeois parents pushed me towards. 中产阶级【很多人错误地译为资产阶级】。

48.  Well, you see, while Leo would not have gone into rehab, it is completely plausible that we would have talked him into leaving the motel, and coming home with us. 可信的、像样的。说服他。

49.  When I was fourteen years old I was abused in the Philippines by aclub footed Navy chaplain. 性骚扰。足部畸形【内弯】。牧师【卓别林的姓氏Chaplin可能与此同源】。

50.  Swell, how do I play genetic predisposition? 不错。

51.  Subtextually, of course. 暗示。

52.  Just have fun with it. 开心。

53.  Have you ever woken up in a fleabag motel, covered in your own vomit, next to a transsexual prostitute? 特差的住处。变性的。

54.  Oh, it was okay I guess, wasn’t a big turnout but they both really seemed to like it. 参加的人数。

55.  A young boy on the cusp of manhood. 正要长成男人。

56.  His only companions mongrel dogs and malarial mosquitoes. 杂种狗。疟疾的。

57.  As you can see, detoxing can get pretty ugly, let’s give them some privacy. 戒毒。

58.  Yeah! Funny how things work out. 事情就这么奇怪。

59.  Not being drunk, or high, or… or… wondering if you’re a dudedown there. 嗑药后的兴奋。男性。下体。

60.  You’re gonna do okay. 指going to,口语常简化发音【类似地,wanna=want to】。会好的。

61.  He’s a homeless drug addict, Leonard, where is he going to go?吸毒者。

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