1. My new book, The Hidden Reality, takes on a grand question. 处理。重要问题。
2. Wait till you hear how he dumbs down Werner Heisenberg for the crowd. 简化。普通人、群众。
3. Say, I heard an interesting tidbit about Howard and Bernadette. 引起注意的语气词。有意思的小事。
4. I’m disappointed in you.
5. Forgive my language, but poppycock. 不好意思我要说粗话了。同nonsense。
6. And by not participating in gossip, society breaks down into smallferal bands of tattooed motorcycle riders fighting to the death over the last few cans of tuna fish? 野蛮。金枪鱼肉【也叫tuna;金枪鱼叫tuna】。
7. In the parlance of the urban music scene, what’s the 4-1-1? 特定语言、术语。情形、环境。指information。
8. Sheldon: Dr. Greene, question? Greene: Yes? 可以提问吗?行,什么问题?
9. You’ve dedicated your life’s work to educating the general populace about complex scientific ideas. 把毕生投入。上文用了the crowd。
10. Yes, in part. 一部分吧。
11. I kid, of course. 开玩笑。
12. My father taught me archery as a child. 射箭。小时候。
13. We have to do our part, too. 做我们该做的。
14. How could you tell? 知道、分辨。
15. You don’t say? 同really?
16. All right, get this. 告诉你吧、听我说。
17. In that case, the woman dives into religion, while the man dives into a bottle-blonde bartender who tries to buy my love with action figures. 染的金发。
18. Boy, you sure get your money’s worth out of these games. 你真是够本了【物有所值】。
19. There’s a big inspection coming up, and I don’t wanna lose my TV privileges. 即将到来。权利。
20. You really need to let me take a look at that roommate agreement, one of these days. 看一眼。最近几天【找个时间】。
21. Mm, it’s complicated, but as I remember it, the essentials are, get chosen last, get hit by the ball, cry, go home. 我记得。最主要的。
22. He’s got a big crush on Bernadette. 对...着迷【通常用于恋爱】。
23. I found poems he wrote about her. Very disturbing. 令人担忧、让人不舒服。
24. Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet. 单簧管【暗喻penis】。
25. Oh, that one doesn’t apply to you. 适用于。
26. I told Amy that in the strictest confidence. 绝对保密。
27. Boy, some people are such blabbermouths. 语气词。大嘴巴的人。
28. Leonard: I didn’t say Raj. Who said Raj? Penny: Okay, give. 行了、别啰嗦了【表示不耐烦】。
29. What a little gossip. 大嘴巴的人【上文用了blabbermouth】。
30. You know, not an attractive quality in a woman, Leonard. 语气词。优点、好品质。对女人来说。
31. Not judging, just my opinion. 品评他人。
32. Well, the point is, if this got out, it would destroy Howard and Raj’s friendship. 关键是。如果这事儿泄露出去。
33. So, all in all, can’t complain. 总的来说。没啥可抱怨了。
34. But if I’m gonna stay in Los Angeles much longer, I think I should get my own place. 住处。
35. It’s a figure of speech, Daddy. 不是字面意思【通常指修辞,但不限于此】。
36. Okay, we’re getting off the subject. 离题了。
37. Well you should have kept your mouth shut. 闭嘴。
38. I’ve been thinking about Dr. Greene’s efforts to make sciencepalatable for the masses. 合口味。上文用了the general populace和the crowd。
39. Now I’m thinking about the origin of the phrase train of thought.思路。
40. Oh, I’m sorry. I was somewhere else. 心不在焉。
41. Lucky bastard. 这混蛋真有狗屎运。
42. I just need to figure out the right time to pop the question. 琢磨出。求婚。
43. No rush, no rush. 不急。
44. Man, he’s going to be blindsided. 语气词。震惊、尴尬。
45. Sheldon: If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop listening to you and start talking. Amy: By all means. 当然可以【同certainly】。
46. The group consensus is that his proposal will be met with an humiliating, soul-crushing rejection. 大家一致认为。无法忍受。
47. Everybody was set atwitter. 准备行动。紧张而兴奋的状态。
48. It’s not surprising that the story has captured the attention ofour little circle of friends. 吸引注意。这帮朋友。
49. At Johnson Elementary School, the phrase Shelly Cooper’s a smelly pooper spread like wildfire. 迅速传开。
50. That’s gold. 了不起。
51. Do you have any ethical qualms regarding human experimentation? 道德上的不安【qualm中的l不发音】。人体实验【统称human subject research】。
52. It’s one of the few forms of interaction with people that I don’tfind repellent. 很少...之一。觉得反感。
53. We need to fabricate a tantalizing piece of gossip. 编造。一个流言。
54. And a second non-tantalizing piece to use as a control. 指scientific control,即用于对比的控制组。
55. You’re a vixen, Amy Farrah Fowler. 恶女人【本义为母狐狸,但没有汉语狐狸精的意思】。
56. In other news, I’m thinking of starting an herb garden. 别的方面。不开花植物的园子或园子的一部分【可以种植观赏植物、生产作料或药材;flower garden指花园;vegetable garden/patch/plot指菜园;kitchen garden包括vegetable garden和herb garden,还可以是花盆形式;观赏性菜园叫potager garden;住处周围的园子统称residential garden,通常包括lawn、flower garden和kitchen garden】。
57. Mum’s the word. 保密。
58. I just felt like drinking alone, because I’m deep and dark. 想。
59. Good times. 【那时候】好开心啊。
60. Hey, 16 wants to order appetizers. 指Table 16。
61. Oh, that gossipy bitch! 大嘴巴的小婊子。
62. Penny: No offense. Raj: None taken. 没想冒犯你。没觉得你冒犯我。
63. Okay, listen, just because Howard and Bernadette are having problems, does not mean you should be here sniffing around. 语气词。打探。
64. Shut your ass! 绝不可能【SYA;SYA也可以指since you asked】。
65. I, I guess they just figured it out at some point. 不知道什么时候。
66. A friendly sentiment in this country, cruel taunt in the Sudan. 讥讽、嘲弄。源自群岛【the Philippines、the Netherlands】、山脉【the Lebanon】、沙漠【the Sudan】、河流【the Gambia】名称的国名前通常用the,但有取消的趋势;对描述性而非地理概念的国名则永远使用定冠词【the United States、the Soviet Union、the Czech Republic等】。
67. It’s a lesson in context. 语境、文化环境。
68. Did he mean as if she’d been out in the sun, tending an herb garden without wearing a hat or sunblock? 指sun screen、sun tan lotion、sun cream或block out。
69. As my mother would say, the Asians are an inscrutable folk. 捉摸不透的人。
70. It appears the rate of gossip transmission is proportional to the number of nodes squared. 平方【立方是cubed;N次方是raise to the Nth power】。
71. Slow down, Sheldon. I’m not quite there yet. 没准备好、没想好。
72. Pun intended? 有双关的意思吗?
73. I should let you know that she asked for details about ourdalliance. 调情。
74. So it went beyond the mere fact of coitus to a blow-by-blow, as it were. 极其详细【也有女对男口交的意思;给予或接受都可以用这个表达式】。实际上【同so to speak】。
75. I described your lovemaking as aloof, but effective. 做爱【直译于此】。疏远。
76. That’s going to make me a chick magnet, and I’m so busy as it is. 特别吸引女人的人。
77. Let him get it out, and let the chips fall where they may. 该发生的就让它发生吧【what happens happens】。
78. I know things haven’t been perfect with us, and we’ve had our problems, but I just have to tell you, from the moment I… 我们的关系并不完美。我们也有自己的问题。语气词。
79. Perhaps your talk of my sexual prowess renewed her faith in love.很强的性能力。再生、恢复。
80. As good an explanation as any. 没有更好的、和别的一样。
81. Howard proposed? 求婚。