You got it”和“I got it” 区别
美国电影《谍影重重4》(The Bourne Legacy)开头有个对话:
女:Can you tell Mr. Hillcott I’m here?
男:You got it!
口语中这种回答很常见,但含义并不一样。在本句中,其字面意思是“按你说的办”,引申为“放心吧”、“OK”或“没问题”。它是“You’ve got it”的简写,所以是现在时而不是过去时;英国人一般不省略“have”。它通常用于答复命令或要求,重点是对方。其它例子,
Hotchner: Take pictures as many as you can.
El: You got it.
Mrs. Crawford: I would like a tiny bit of help, Mr. Crawford.
Mr. Crawford: You got it, Mrs. Crawford.
此时如果用“I got it”或“Got it”回答,基本含义没有差别,但重点是自己。它是“I’ve got it”的简写,意为“I’ve got it covered”或“I’ve got it under control”。也是现在时态。当然,还可以说“I get it”。几种说法都是“OK”、“好的”、“明白”之类的意思。例如,
Cole: Get me out there!
Crewman: I got it.
SIMON: It has a proximity circuit, so, please, don‘t run.
McClane: Yeah, I got it.
l Beaver: Jonesy, don’t try to lift that stuff.
Henry: I got it.
“Do you understand?”
“Yea, I get it.”
除了上述用法,“You got it”还有“(你)正确”或“(我)赞同”的意思。例如,
Guess what happened moments after this picture was taken? Yup, you’ve got it…
ARTHUR: That‘s it, that’s it, you‘ve got it.
Honey, the door blew shut! Oh, fine. If that’s what you want, you‘ve got it.
Need Permission to Achieve Your Dreams? You’ve Got It
而“I got it”还常用于表达“(我)有办法了”。例如,
My friend: How can we get to the store? My car is being repaired.
Me: Hmm.... I‘ve got it! We’ll ask Ralph to take us there.