1. It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends?
2. The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
3. Because the world is changing so fast, people now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past.
4.Advertisement is a waste of company‘s money and money, because consumer’s know what they want to buy.
The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
如果同意此观点,那么首先同意“因”,即the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.世界在五十年间的确发生了很大变化,比如在科技方面有了很多变化,网络的普及,手机的应用等等;其次同意“因果链”,即“是因为世界的变化导致了祖父母的建议没有用”,(因为祖父母跟不上时代的变化,比如网络的发达,当遇到工作或学习上的困难时,现在人们可以轻易通过search engine来搜索信息,而祖父母的建议可能还停留在过去,建议找老师找同事解决)。最后同意“果”,即The advice from our grandparents has no use.也就是说这些过时的建议不能及时帮我们解决问题,反而浪费了精力)
如果不同意“因”,即the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.我们可以说前后五十年,在待人处事方面,我们应该遵循的规则是不变的,比如我们要be honest to others,be hardworking等等。其次,不同意“果”,即The advice from our grandparents has no use.老一辈在待人处事方面的建议是很有用的,因为他们丰富的人生阅历和经验,能够帮我们更好的处理人际关系等等。最后不同意“因果链”,即并不是因为世界的变化才导致老年人的建议没有用,有可能是因为现在年轻人越来越有独立思考的能力等等。