
2015-11-27 16:36:14 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






n的次方根 nth root

! factorial

指数 exponent, use a as a factor b times

ab subscript, for descriptive discrimination

% percent

| | absolute value

~ similar, is similar to

ㄥ angle, as in ㄥA or ㄥABC

mㄥ measure of angle

± plus or minus

× times or mutiply

÷ divide

= equals, is equal to

≠ does not equal, is not equal to

< is less than

> is greater than

≦ is less than or equal to

≧ is greater than or equal to

<> is not equal to; is less than or greater than

: is to, as in proportions, a : b as c : d

- - - between numerais or letters, shows omission of some numerals or letters at the end of a series or esquence shows “and so no”

√ positive square root

圆周 Circumference

面积 area

直径 diameter

半径 radius

周边;周长 perimeter

次方 power

根(数) root

长 length

宽 width

高 height

基数;底边 base

直角 right angle; is perpendicular to

⊙ circle

弧形 arc

△ triangle

正三角 equilateral triangle

等腰三角 isosceles triangle

直角三角 right triangle

□ square

四边形 quadrilateral

平行四边形 parallelogram

梯形 trapezoid

( x , y ) coordinates of a point in a plane

( x , y , z ) coordinates of a point in space

∴ therefore

$ dollar sign

¢ cent sign

( ) parentheses, shows order of operations

[ ] brackets, shows order of operations

{ } braces, shows order of operations; also shows members of a set, when empty shows empty set

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