其次,CollegeBoard 取消了以往题型中的单句纠错题,而革新后的题型均以段落形式呈现,题目雷同当前25分钟写作部分的结尾模式。
就此,我会针对一些能够清晰展现全新SAT与以往SAT 之间迥异的有趣案例,为您指点迷津,娓娓道来。
#1: The transportation planner’s job, might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehicles traveling on the road to the new factory.
B: planner’s job
C: planners job,
D: planners job
Transportation planners work closely with anumber of community stakeholders, such as government officials and other interested organizations and individuals. Next, representatives from the local public health department might provide input in designing a network of trails and sidewalks to encourage people to walk more. [#2] According to the American Heart Association, walking provides numerous benefits related to health and well-being. Members of the Chamber of Commerce might share suggestions about designing transportation and parking facilities to support local businesses.
#2: The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?
A: Kept, because it provides supporting evidence about the benefits of walking.
B: Kept, because it provides an additional example of a community stakeholder with whom transportation planners work.
C: Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph’s focus on the community stake holders with whom transportation planners work.
D: Deleted, because it doesn’t provide specific examples of what the numerous benefits of walking are.
在现行SAT中,考生只需做出判断根据语义如何填放一个单句或直接将其删除,并且在题目选项中已经给出相应方案(比如将其放在句3后,或句6前面等等,或通过从5 择1来决定删除哪一个)。
Transportation planners perform critical work within the broader field of urban and regional planning. As of 2010, there were approximately 40,300 urban and regional planners employed in the United States. The United States Bureau ofLabor Statistics forecasts steady job growth in this field, [#3] projecting that 16 percent of new jobs in all occupations will be related to urban and regional planning. Population growth and concerns about environmental sustainability are expected to spur the need for transportation planning professionals.
#3: Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based onthe graph?
B: warning, however, that job growth in urban and regional planning will slow to 14 percent by 2020.
C: predicting that employment of urban and regional planners will increase 16 percent between 2010 and 2020.
D: indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and regional planning positions will remain unfilled.
#4: Kingman, however, vacated from that tradition in a number of ways, most notably in that he chose to focus not on natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers, but on cities.
B: evacuated
C: departed
D: retired
这些题目会很“刁钻”,因为就单词本身长相而言,拼写差别甚微,一不留神就很容易混淆或误解,比如句子中出现”principle”一词的地方实际上应该用”principal”,或collaborate 一词与corroborate之间的差别。像以下这些单词vacated(腾出), evacuated(疏散), departed(脱离), 以及 retired(退休)等等;这些词都有一种含义,即离开的意思。
这是为什么呢?因为英语就是这样!(就像往常College Board经典的诠释:如果那样用这个词,就会显得很怪并且很不符合常理….如何如和)
His fine brushwork conveys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushinghis cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brush strokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and [#20] delicately painted creatures, such as a tiny, barely visible catprowling in the bushes of a park.To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovativespirit of twentieth-century urban Modernism.
#5: Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?
A: Kingman is considered a pioneer of the California Style school of painting.
B: Although cities were his main subject, Kingman did occasionally paint naturall and scapes.
C: Inhis urban landscapes, Kingman captures the vibrancy of crowded cities.
D: In1929 Kingman moved to Oakland, California, where he attended the Fox ArtSchool.
#6: The writer wants to complete the sentence with a third example of a detail Kingman uses to create his majestic city skylines. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?
B: exquisitely lettered street and storefront signs.
C: other details that help define Kingman’s urban landscapes.
D: enormous ships docking at busy urban ports.
#7: The writer wants to conclude the passage with asentence that emphasizes an enduring legacy of Kingman’s work. Which choicewould best accomplish this goal?
A: Although Kingman’s work might not be as famous as that of some other water color painters, such as Georgia O’Keeffe and Edward Hopper, it is well regarded bymany people.
B: Since Kingman’s death in 2000, museums across the United States and in Chinahave continued to ensure that his now-iconic landscapes remain available forthe public to enjoy.
C: The urban landscapes depicted in Kingman’s body of work are a testament to aptness of the name chosen for Kingman when he was just a boy.
D: Kingman’s work was but one example of a long-lasting tradition refreshed by an innovative artist with a new perspective.
这次,我们需要一个概括句来强调“an enduring legacy of Kingman’s work”的含义。与此同时 ,我们还要注意语句中暗含的意思,然后再逐一排查选项。最重要的一点,这道题考察学生的有效写作能力。而且,选项中的答案并非都很差劲,至少没有一个是跑题的。
但A与D对作者的原意有些轻描淡写(“might not be as famous...” and“but one example…”),而C的落脚点偏离了原文(“aptness of the name” rather than enduring legacy)。B项则强调了Kingman死后留在博物馆中的遗产,因而这是正确选项。看来,如何从语言文字的深处挖掘笔者的态度或目的,或携带作者的态度来准确行文,这些都是所有学生在提高有效写作方面的一项核心语言技能。
全新SAT将于2016年3月正式出炉面向世界。但鉴于全球3月没有设立国际SAT考试日期的事实,中国考生将于2016年5月参加第一轮全新SAT 考试。但目前高一的同学会在2015年秋季以参加PSAT的形式“尝鲜”,因为PSAT将以全新形式呈现。
College Board会随其合作伙伴Khan Academy一同在今年5月为大家在网上提供更多的免费测试题目。
首先,第一步就是要全力以赴提高自身的英语(语文)水平。其中,COLLEGE BOARD之所以将SAT改头换面并加大难度的原因之一就是为了打击那些所谓空谈无用的应试技巧手段以及那些所谓急功近利的应试捷径,例如狂记一些看上去高大上却难懂晦涩的词汇,或者凭靠一些怪异的语法规则来破题。
此外,新SAT 还包含了许多以文体形式呈现的阅读与写作题目,以及在数学题目中出现的词语问题。那些平时在语文方面有困难的同学要比那些语文程度较好的同学,在考试时更容易出现记忆力不集中甚至身体透支等情况(如此甚大的阅读量对英语母语人士也是相当大的挑战)。因此,仅依赖于考试技巧就想“混过”SAT的这种想法肯定是相当不靠谱的。
就新SAT的备战方案而言,最好的办法是手不释卷。开卷有益(当然指用英语)--- 也不一定非得是长篇小说。事实上,你会发现,在新SAT中出现的文章大多数都不是你在小说中会见到的语句,而是来自杂志或报纸方面的文体,比如New York Times, New Yorker, 或 Scientific American,甚至 Economist。阅读方面,与数量相比,更讲究质量。我们说,一个学生,他能够做到有效通读20篇文章并且从中透析一些自己之前拿不准的语句,这样要比一个学生走马观花横扫2000篇文章或草率读完20篇小说有用的多。
更重要的是,考生从此无需再记忆那些一生中也用不到的晦涩SAT词。相反,真正让新SAT变难的地方在于,整个考试中出现超多阅读,同时随着阅读难度的增大,考试对考生的英语流利度要求也会自然升高,这些恰恰又回到了新SAT的本质---College Board更希望把目光投射在这一过程:通过该考试,可以考察学生是否具备当下科技发展所需的背景知识,以及他们今后能否在大学生涯取得骄人的成就。
在大学期间,没人会在意你记住多少稀奇古怪的SAT词汇,更不会有教授因为你犯下的一个小小的语法错误而与你反目成仇或对你的能力表示鄙夷不屑。(比如你误用了一个模糊概念的this, 那这个this会引起歧义)。