

2014-12-28 20:33:57 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






Nominal Forms: Pairs of Nouns



Ⅰ 根据上下文猜测短语意思

1. All three of his children look just like him because they are his own flesh and blood. _____________

2. The volunteer was so dedicated to the politician that he put his heart and soul into all his work. _____________

3. Tom’s quick temper is part and parcel of his personality; he was born with it and will never change. _____________

4. After 100,000 miles, my car has suffered a lot of wear and tear, especially on the old engine. _____________

5. The movie was so crazy that the audience was constantly on pins and needles; they were sitting on the edges of their seats. _____________

6. Before going on vacation, Joe had quite a few odds and ends to take care of, like loan payments and various errands. _____________

7. Although the supervisors and managers received salary increases, the rank and file didn’t. _____________

8. Marriages cannot always be perfect; every couple should expect some ups and downs. _____________

9. If the couple believes in give and take, they can solve most of their disagreements. _____________

10. The older politician is very successful because he knows the ins and outs of government business well. _____________

II 短语解释

1. Flesh and blood – one’s family or blood relatives; kin

This idiom is preceded by a possessive pronoun, and often by the word own.

In a disaster, people take care of their own flesh and blood before helping their neighbors.

Of course I’m proud of my daughter; she’s my own flesh and blood.

2. To heart and soul – one’s entire energy, all of one’s efforts

This idiom usually occurs with the verbal idiom put into, and is preceded by a possessive pronoun.

If you put your heart and soul into your work, you’ll succeed.

The opera singer put her heart and soul into the difficult performance.

3. Part and parcel– a basic part, an integral portion

No article precedes this idiom; the verb be is usually used.

Profit-making is part and parcel of all business activities.

Why does poverty have to be part and parcel of life in undeveloped countries?

Sally’s selfishness is part and parcel of her real character.

4. Wear and tear – damage, deterioration caused by frequent use

This idiom is often used in reference to machines; a quantity word usually precedes the idiom.

When I rented out my piano to a stranger, it suffered some wear and tear.

My car has received a lot of wear and tear from driving to work everyday.

Joggers always put much wear and tear on their running shoes.

5. Pins and needles – a condition of great excitement or nervousness

The idiom is usually preceded by on; the verb sit is commonly used when the idiom means nervousness.

The scary lightning and thunder storm had me on pins and needles all evening; it was fun!

Waiting for the important job interview, Mary sat on pins and needles.

6. Odds and ends – various items; different tasks

This idiom is not preceded by an article; the adjective some or various often precedes it.

John made a fast dinner by using some odds and ends from the night before.

The reporter discovered the political crime because he had gathered various odds and ends of secret government information.

I did some odds and ends around the house before I turned on the TV.

7. Rank and file – common workers; ordinary people

This idiom is usually used with a definite article, and sometimes is used as a compound noun form.

The rank and file in the factory wanted higher wages.

The rank and file in the U.S. are generally uninvolved in world affairs.

The rank-and-file employees went on strike for shorter hours and longer vacation.

8. Ups and downs – good and bad times; difficulties

This idiom includes both bad and good periods of life, but it is only used during bad times. A possessive pronoun often precedes it.

The business had its ups and downs before it really became successful.

All married couples have their ups and downs, but they usually survive.

9. Give and take – cooperation, compromise, concession

This idiom means that two or more people must share in making decisions in which an exchange of ideas or compromise is involved. No article is used.

If married couples don’t believe in give and take, then they will suffer ups and downs.

Give and take is part and parcel of living closely with several roommates.

10. Ins and outs – all the details, the important parts

A definite article is used with this idiom.

The corporate president knows all the ins and outs of the business world, both good and bad.

Students must learn all of the ins and outs of succeeding in school in order to do well.

III 单选练习


1. Tom won’t buy that old car because it has too much ____ on it. Ups and downs Odds and ends Wear and tear

2. My ___ were very kind to me when I was seriously ill. Hear and soul Rank and file Flesh and blood

3. The criminal knows the ___ of successful robberies. Part and parcel Ins and outs Ups and downs

4. Reaching a difficult agreement is a matter of ___. Give an take Odds and ends Part and parcel

5. Alone in the house at night without electricity, I was on ____. Hear and soul Ups and downs Pins and needles

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