

2014-12-01 10:26:17 立思辰留学 4008-941-360





今天给大家讲解的是如何写好一个句子,很多同学都喜欢拿着雅思考题就开始练习,并且一开始就写大量的文章,这是错误的。留学360留学老师推荐大家先不要急着写文章,先写句子,然后写段落,接着写Essay Plan,最后才写文章。中国有句古话,欲速则不达。所以 今天主要给大家讲解怎么把一个句子写好。

How to write a good sentence?


So stop writing whatever comes to your mind.We emphasise things to show that they are particularly important or worth giving attention to. Two common ways of emphasising are fronting and cleft sentences.


第一种方法, 就是前置 Fronting

We often place information at or near the beginning of a

sentence to emphasise it. To do this, we have to alter the

normal word order of the sentence. We can do this by:

1. placing the complement or direct object of a verb before

the subject. Compare these sentences:

We know quite a lot about the Moon and Mars. We have

less information about Venus.


We know quite a lot about the Moon and Mars. Venus, we

have less information about.

我们对月球和火星的了解很多。 金星,我们不怎么了解。

2. placing the subordinate clause before the main clause.

Compare these sentences:

NASA has sent a spacecraft to Mars because they want to

find out if there is life there.

NASA 发送了卫星去火星因为他们想要发现那里是否存在生命。

Because they want to find out if there is life on Mars,

NASA has sent a spacecraft there.

因为他们想要发现那里是否存在生命,NASA 发送了卫星去火星。

3.placing preposition and adverb phrases that are not part

of another phrase before the subject of the sentence.

Compare these sentences:

There is a lot of interest in space exploration despite its


Despite its cost, there is a lot of interest in space


第二种办法就是分裂句子 Cleft Sentences

These are some ways of forming cleft sentences:

1.The Chinese sent a probe to the Moon.

What the Chinese did was to send a probe to the Moon.

2.People do not think about the level of planning that is


What people do not think about is the level of planning that is involved.

3.Space explorers want to find water on other planets.??

What space explorers want is to find water on other


4. The astronauts enjoyed the space walk most.

It was the space walk that the astronauts enjoyed most.

5.We only require political will to set up a permanent

base on the Moon.

All (that) we require to set up a permanent base on the Moon is political will.

大家可以把自己的作文拿出来,看看怎么修改自己的每一个句子。Practice is a key factor to obtain any learned techniques.


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