Can you show me your ID card?
What’s your full name?
What’s your English name?
What’s the meaning of your Chinese name?
What’s your personal characters?
What’s your job?
Where do you work?
What are you in charge of?
What do you like or dislike about your job?/What do you think of your job?
Have you ever changed your job?
Can you describe your typical working day?
Can you tell me something about your working place?
What kinds of problems are there?
How can you solve these problems? What’s the solution?
Where are you studing now?
What’s your major?
Why did you choose this major?
What do you think of your major?
Can you tell me something about your university?
What do you like most about your university?
What do you dislike about your university?
What subjects/courses do you study?
Where did you graduate from?
What did you study in the university?
What do you think of your major?
Why did you choose this as your major?
What aspects do you like the most and what aspects do you dislike the most?