1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.?
让步段:诚然,参观博物馆确实是一个了解国家的有效方式,尤其是了解这个国家的历史。(Admittedly, visiting museum is indeed an effective way for people to know about a country, especially the history of the nation.)
转折段:但不管怎样,在一个国家旅游也是一个了解它的可得方式,因为人们可以亲身经历这个国家的当地文化。(Nevertheless, traveling in a country is also an available way for people to obtain some information about a country, since people can experience the local culture in that nation in person.)
递进:因此,我很难同意参观博物馆是了解一个国家最好的方式。世界上,上文所提及的方法只是众多可以了解一个国家的多种方式中的其中两种而已。具体而言,交当地的朋友、读相关的报纸以及看在那个国家拍摄的电影都是有效地方式,可以让人们从不同方面获得有关于这个国家的信息。(Judging from the evidence offered above, I can hardly agree that visiting museum is the best way of learning about a country. Virtually, the aforementioned methods are merely two of the various ways for people to know about a nation. To be specific, making new friends in that country, reading newspapers related to the country and watching movies shot in that nation are also effective methods that people can choose to acquire information about the country in different facets.)
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends of your own age.
让步段:诚然,从年长的朋友那里获取帮助确实是明智的,因为他们,在大部分情况下,在某些领域更有经验。(Admittedly, it is sensible for us to get advice from older friends, since they, on most occasions, are more experienced than us in some certain realms.)
转折段:但不管怎样,向同龄人寻求帮助也是可取的,因为他们,在很大程度上来说,能够在我们遇到的问题上面感同身受。(Nevertheless, it is also advisable for us to ask our peers for help, since they can, to a large degree, share the same feelings with us towards the problems that we encounter.)
递进:因此,我很难同意从年长的朋友那里获取帮助比同同龄人那里获取帮助更有价值。在我看来,这取决于我们所遇到的问题的类型。(Judging from the evidence offered above, I can hardly agree that gaining advice from older friends is more valuable than from the friends of our own age. From my perspective, whether it is wiser for us to follow the advice from the friends who are older than us or from the ones of our own age depends on the type of problem that we meet.)
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should give school-age children money as a reward for getting a high mark (grade) in school.
理由一:首先,当孩子们有好成绩时给他们钱作为奖励可以激发孩子们的学习热情。(Giving school-age children money as a reward when they achieve outstanding academic performance can stimulate their enthusiasm of learning.)
理由二:此外,当孩子们因为考试成绩好而得到金钱的奖励时他们能够培养出对于金钱的管理能力。(Moreover, children can develop money-management skills when they get some money as a form of reward after getting high grade.)
总结:在最后的讨论当中,尽管有些人断言学生们可能会在考试的时候作弊,如果他们因为好成绩而拿钱的奖励的话,但他们的观点在和我们以上所提到的理由和证据相比的时候会黯然失色。所以我主张的依旧是可以在孩子们获得高分的时候给与适量的金钱鼓励。(In the final analysis, although some people assert that students might cheat in the exam if their parents give them some money as a reward when they get high mark, their notion seems to become lackluster when compared with the reasons and evidence offered above. Consequently, I still advocate that it is beneficial for parents reward their children with a suitable amount of money if they can perform well at school in order to stimulate their interest in studying and cultivate their money-management skills.)
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents do not understand their children as well as parents did 50 years ago.?
理由一:首先,当代的家长比过去的家长更了解孩子了,由于多种多样的网上沟通工具。(Primarily, parents in this day and age can genuinely know their children better owning to the various online communication tools.)
理由二:此外,当代家长更能了解孩子们了,因为他们现在可以接触到多种多样的关于如何教育好孩子的书籍。(Moreover, parents nowadays can virtually understand their children better, since they can get access to different kinds of books about how to educate children well.)
总结:在最后的讨论当中,有些人断言家长们其实不如过去了解孩子们了,由于现在先进的科技进一步加深了家长和孩子之间的代沟。但是这样的观点和我们以上所提出的理由相比会变得黯淡无光。于是我还是依旧坚持认为现在的家长比过去更了解他们的孩子了。(In the final analysis, some people assert that parents in these days no not understand their children well than they did in the past, since the rapid development in science and technology deepen the generation gap between parents and their children. However, this notion seems to become lackluster when compared with the reasons and evidence offered above. Consequently, I reiterate my standpoint that parents in this day and age actually understand their children better than they did in the past decades.)