

2014-11-23 19:13:32 立思辰留学 4008-941-360





1,描述一个电视节目里有趣的故事 TV series

the Snail (蜗居)

a story of a young girl seeking to build a home in a big city after graduation from university. she has a caring sister, a loyal boyfriend who loves her very much. but she just doesn‘t have money, which she needs to buy an apartment. she longs for an apartment of her own. finally she ditched/dumped her boyfriend and went out with a married man, who offers her great sums of money. i think the story reflects the current social anxiety: the conflict between the want of a property and the constantly rocketing housing price. maybe someday we will learn to cool down and live just as well in a rented apartment.


as usual , it has a happy ending.

The plot (剧情) is absorbing

it is easy to identify with the characters. (很容易融入角色中,身临其境。)

the story depicts things taking place around us everyday.(这个故事讲述了我们身边每天发生的事情。)



however, there are still disadvantages / advantages that i should mention.

yet there is still a dark/bright side (which) we shall not forget.


helps to retrieve information

comprehensive stimulation: visual and auditory stimulation

the best thing about TV is that you can always find something to watch. TV series, talkshows, movies, documentaries, etc.. whatever you want just name it.


it is radioactive: it hurts our eyes. after long time watching, your eyes will sore.

it turns us into passive viewers: we just sit there and wait for the information to come up. it is one-way communication. we grow lazy and passive, less willing to move.

Makes us unproductive

makes us less able to think, judge and analyse.

Leads to decline of intelligence on a global level.


Watching TV for too long will:

do harm to our health

make our eye sight suffer

bring overwork upon our brains

shorten our attention span: too rapid flow of information and pictures, too stimulating


Well, It depends on the type of TV we are talking about.

digital TVs based on new type of TV cable network (电视有线网络) are interactive. (互动的)

Courseware (课件)

lecture videos (讲课视频)

can be broadcast through cable TV


A, industrial/Greenhouse gas emissions: carbon dioxide, (二氧化碳)sulfur dioxide,(二氧化硫) etc..

these gases trap the heat of sunshine from escaping from the earth, thus pushing the atmospheric temperature upwards.

B, loss of large areas of tropical rainforests because of illegal deforestation (非法的乱砍滥伐)

C, exhaust fumes (尾气) emitted by environment-unfriendly cars


A, refuse to use products from manufacturers which are known to be environment-unfriendly.

B, advocate (拥护) government policies that protect plant and animal species, that punish deforestation.

C, take subway instead of buses or taxis


formal suit / dress

man: black suit with white shirt, or dark blue suit with pink shirt, plus a dark color tie or knot. the same set of trousers plus black shoes. of course not sports shoes or running shoes or sandals or whatever, just leather shoes.

woman: suit with blouse,(女士衬衫) earrings / ear drop, but not too big, necklace. dress or skirt but not too short. make up your face a little bit, but not too heavy make-up. depending on the occasion, you can think about wearing an evening dress. (晚礼服)


normally we dress like every people in the world do.

But during festivals or on traditionally special occasions, we dress in red as a sign of celebration, (喜庆的讯号)and a token for the future happiness.(未来幸福的象征)


sculpture : the Thinker

sculpture is the art in 3-dimensional shape. (雕塑是一种三维的艺术)

it portrays a man who’s always sitting there, deep in his thoughts/meditation.(沉思) it is originally a bronze statue by Rodan,(罗丹) and its copies now come in a variety of materials.

i still remember the day when i first saw this piece of art.

i visited the museum and there was a copy.

i was absorbed at the first glance.

it is a piece full of energy, full of vitality and filled with pain.

you can almost sense the author‘s anxiety.

it’s a great work of art.


all kinds.

in fact in China a growing number of young people are beginning to appreciate arts of all forms.

but what‘s interesting is, unlike decades ago, nowadays, people are paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese arts such as Kunqu opera,(昆曲) Chinese ink painting,(水墨画) embroidery (刺绣) and so on.

Although I don’t have much knowledge in these, some of my friends are very much into these. (这是一句“免责”的话,避免考官在后面再追问昆曲、水墨画和刺绣的问题)

i think that means we are more conscious of what we are and where we are from.

it‘s a good sign.


打太极,缓冲:it depends on individual perspectives, really.

i mean, for an art dealer, the value of a piece is almost all monetary.

Value of works of art

A, It brings us delight

emotional as well as intelligent enjoyment

B, the process of appreciating arts is an experience of talking to your own heart, and creating new meanings of life.

C, it enhances our temperament and cultures / cultivates our virtue.


i’d like to share with you the experience of my first ride on the bike.

it was an old bike from my dad, and i was very young then,

so you can imagine how hard it was for me to even hold the bike upright.

luckily my elder brother was with me.

he held the back end of the bike and told me to ride.

as i got on the bike, he pushed me along.

for a moment i felt safe and rode along.

but suddenly i realized that he had let go of the bike, and i was riding all by myself.

i was so scared and i fell.

i cried hard.

but my brother kept encouraging me.

and i thought it might not be a good idea to keep crying.

so i tried again, and fell again. and a third time, and i did it.

i was riding smoothly, and i didn‘t fall.

finally i made it.

that’s a life-long experience.


like one politician once said, there are no permanent friends, or permanent foes. (没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友。)

no other single word can describe the relations between countries better than this: INTEREST.(没有任何其他单词能够比这个词更好地形容两国的关系了,这就是利益)

whether the two countries are competing or cooperating, they are doing the same thing: grasping the best interest for themselves.

so competition and cooperation are only temporary actions (暂时的行为) taken by countries to secure their permanent interest in obtaining as much international resources for development as possible.




well, positive.

in fact, i‘ve always dreamed of being such kind of person, amiable,(亲切的) charming at all times, quickly befriending people (与人们交朋友) wherever he or she goes.

it’s so convenient to fit in,(融入圈子) i mean, who can resist a sweet smile and a nice personality?


A, legal age for marriage: men, 22, women, 20

B, modern people tend to get married at an older age, such as 30 or even over.


pressure from everywhere, including housing, giving birth to a child, raising the child, etc..


A, high mobility (高流动性)made possible by automobile, subway and airplanes.

insensitive to interactions between people.

so many people feel detached (疏远) from the city they are living in.

B, greater gaps

people are more different.

people are finding it more difficult to understand each other.

C, breakup of traditional family structure

multi-generational family (多代同堂的家庭)

extended family, (大家庭)where we have uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.

but now, communication technology sets us apart.

we are not living under one roof any more. (不再在同一屋檐下生活。)

we contact less, we care for each other less. we focus on ourselves.

we talk through the phone, which further reduces our interaction.

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