

2014-11-09 00:33:31 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






1,具有别人不可比拟的优势have an incomparable advantage over others

2,承担责任 assume one’s responsibility

3,基础知识 rudimentary knowledge

4,缺乏自信 lack of confidence

5,适应 adapt oneself to

6,头脑简单 simple-minded

7,拥有明显优势 possess an apparent advantage over

8,智慧 ability and wisdom10,充分准备 full preparation

11,感情交流 emotional contact

12,过去的辉煌和成绩 past glory and achievement

13,积极参加 active participation

14,交际能力 social skill

15,教学设施 teaching facilities

16,老师和校方领导 school teacher and administrator

17,强烈的失落感 a strong sense of loss

18,使熟悉 acquaint oneself with

19,消除孤独感和不适应感 remove loneliness and disorientation

20,校方 school authorities

21,校园活动 campus activity

22,昂贵的学费 costly tuition fee

23,毕生的记忆 lifelong memories

31,经济负担 financial burden / strain

32,开阔视野 widen one’s horizon / broaden one’s mind

45,增进友谊 promote friendship

46,明辨虚幻与现实 distinguish between fantasy and reality

58,影响学习成绩 affect school achievements


60,高质量的教育 high-quality education

63,就业前景 employment prospect

64,看不起 look down on

65,落在后面 lag behind

66,满足不同需求 cater to different needs

67,实用技能 practical skills

68,双语教育 bilingual education

69,提高整体教育质量 improve the overall quality of education

70,团队意识 sense of community, team spirit

71,学习环境 a learning environment

72,政府功能 government function

75,代沟 generation gap

76,道德指引 moral guidance

77,全心全意 be devoted to sth. whole-heartedly

78,生活必需品 necessities of life

79,同龄人的压力 peer pressure

80,心理缺陷 psychological defect

81,性格的形成 building-up of one’s personality

82,有教养的 well-bred, well-cultivated

83,约束自己 restrain oneself

84,专心致志 take one’s preoccupation with

87,发展个人兴趣、发挥个人才干explore one’s interests and talents

88,费时的 time-consuming

89,丰富人生阅历 enrich one’s life experience

90,负面的榜样 negative role model

91,积累经验 gain wider experience

92,激烈的社会竞争 fierce social competition

93,减轻父母的经济负担 relieve parents’ economic burden

94,精神受到污染 be morally polluted

95,觅到待遇优厚的工作 secure a handsomely-paid job

96,认清职业兴趣和目标identify his / her career interests and goals

98,辛苦挣的钱 hard earned money

99,重视 attach importance on

106,就读名牌学校 admission to prestigious school

107,培养自信 foster confidence

131,对…造成心理上的伤害inflict deep psychological wounds on

132,服从纪律 submit to discipline

133,教训某人 teach sb. a good lesson

156,用新的眼光判断 to evaluate … with a new standard

157,维持/破坏课堂纪律 maintain / disrupt classroom order

158,为排名高低而竞争 compete for higher rankings

159,学习成绩不佳 poor academic performance

160,学习进步 academic improvement

161,一个可以接受的方式 a fairly acceptable way

162,渴望引导 long for guidance

163,适当的鼓励 proper encouragement

164,贫困家庭 needy families

165,掌握人际关系的技巧master the skill of interpersonal relationship

166,启发孩子的创造力 inspire children’s creativity

做兼职是好是坏,关键在于你能否权衡学习和工作(的时间)。Whether taking part-time job is good or not just depends on whether you can strike a balance between your study and work.


They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they arrive at university their lives begin to change.

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