GRE作文范文 Issue-21

2014-10-29 22:48:23 立思辰留学 4008-941-360





GRE作文范文 Issue-21 “The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.” 嘉文博译Sample Essay Leaders come in all forms - from those running small groups of people in an office to heads of state that must lead millions or billions of people. Leaders also serve during different time periods marked by different states of the overall environment. National leaders may act in times marked by intense crises such as war, while others may serve during relative times of peace. Business leaders may operate during rapid economic changes and progress or relatively slow times, such as during a recession. An effective leader must be able to fit the situation, whether that means remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives or being able to go with the flow of change of opinion to best complete his or her mission. The mission or final goals desired would most likely determine which type of leader would be most effective in that particular situation. One example would be to examine the actions of two consecutive Presidents of the United States. President Bill Clinton served during a relatively peaceful time of prosperity and economic growth in the United States. Personal proclivities aside, President Clinton seemed to run the country by gauging popular opinion through the heavy use of polling. With almost never varying consistency, President Clinton took stands on the issues that fell closely in line with the popular opinions of the country. Mr. Clinton‘s opinions sometimes changed overnight, apparently following the ebb and flow of the tide of popular opinion. Most people in the world would agree that President Clinton did a good job of running the country during his administration and that he was an effective leader, whether or not they agree with how he conducted his personal life. In stark contrast, George W. Bush had served little more than eight months as President when his leadership was subjected to one of the strongest tests possible. The worst terrorist attacks on the United States in history struck just as the economic conditions of the country seemed to be sliding towards recession. War and economic distress came to the country at the same time. Mr. Bush acted quickly and decisively on both fronts. War was all but declared against the ruling Taliban government of Afghanistan and the worldwide Al-Quaida terrorist organization. During the same time period, Mr. Bush’s administration made several rapid adjustments to the government‘s prime lending rates. Many leaders worldwide and some opponents at home questioned some of his decisions. Popular opinion in the rest of the world often portrayed President Bush as acting as a “lone ranger” without regard to the opinions of the rest of the world. Through it all, President Bush stayed with his decisions, including the controversial statement regarding Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an “axis of evil”. No one can seriously argue that President Bush has not been an effective leader while remaining consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Both Presidents took the opposite extremes proposed by the above issue statement, but both have been proven to be effective leaders. The situations were different and possibly called for a different type of leadership in order for the final goals to be reached. Other levels of leadership also would likely require different actions of a leader in different situations. When times are good, it may be easier to follow along with popular opinion as long as it does not appear to be particularly disruptive. Usually when the majority of the population of a country or the stockholders of a corporation are happy, there is little call for rapid changes. However, when times turn tough, a leader that can make the difficult decisions to stay with certain principles and objectives is required. Although they may not be the popular opinions, they may be the best ones for the overall good of the country or company. An effective leader is one who can determine which approach will most likely lead to the accomplishment of the overall mission. (654 words)

参考译文 一位强有力的领导人最根本的品质就是能够一如既往地坚持特定的原则和目标。任何一个容易受舆论影响而很快改变立场的领导人很少能有什么建树。


举个例子,让我们来看看美国两位连续执政的总统。比尔·克林顿总统执政时期的美国社会相对稳定繁荣,经济有所增长。抛开他的个人癖性不谈,克林顿似乎是通过大量民意测验考察舆论来治理国家的。几乎每一次他所采取的立场都是与国家民众的意见紧密保持一致。克林顿先生的观点有时会在一夜之间发生转变,这显然是随舆论潮流进行调整的结果。世界上多数人会认同这样一个观点,即克林顿在任职期间表现良好,是一位强有力的领导人,无论他们对他私生活方面的做法是否赞同。 然而,与克林顿的情形迥然不同的是,乔治·W·布什上任刚满八个月,其领导地位就遇到了最大的威胁。美国遭受了历史上毁灭性最强的恐怖主义袭击,而此时国家的经济状况也正趋于不景气。战争与经济衰退在同一时期到来。布什总统在这两个条战线都展开了迅速而果断的行动。美国向阿富汗的独裁塔利班政府及全世界的恐怖组织宣战。同时,布什对美国政府的基本贷款利率做出了几次快速调整。他的一些决策受到了世界上许多领导人及国内反对派的质疑。世界其他国家的舆论常常把布什描述为一位“孤独的突击队员”,他采取行动时从不顾及其他国家的看法。无论如何,布什坚持着他的决策,包括他把伊朗、伊拉克和朝鲜定为“邪恶轴心”的有争议的论断。没人能否认坚守特定原则和目标的布什总统不是一位强有力的总统。在上述的不同情形中,克林顿和布什两位总统采取了绝然不同的两种做法,然而他们两位都被证明是强有力的领导人。不同的形势需要有不同的领导风格来达成最终目标。


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