
2014-10-16 21:44:17 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






1. I agree thatA a knowledge of Latin is helpful to buildB a good English vocabulary, butC I do not think I have the capacity toD study the subject at the moment. No errorE.

2. In suchA areas as sports, ranking of individual performance isB relatively well accepted sinceC the parameters on which the rating areD based are generally objective. No errorE.

3. Determination ofA the long-term effects ofB aerosols on the upper atmosphere isC currently one of the more challengingD problems in climate research. No errorE.

4. The mostA important skill I had learnedB in my two years ofC senior high school was toD direct the course of my own studies. No errorE.

5. Scientific advances over the last fifty years have ledA to revolutionary changes in health, agriculture and communication, andB generally enhancingC socio-economic development and the quality of our livesD. No errorE.

6. This detailed yetA readable biography is well researched andB provides valuable insight toC the facts thatD motivated the famous philosopher. No errorE.

7. I have nearlyA written all the new tests forB inclusion in the revised edition of my book, and hope to finishC the work withinD a week. No errorE.sat

8. The series of letters that Margaret wrote to her father containsA a valuable commentary onB the prevailing social conditions and attitudes that lead to herC leaving home at suchD a young age. No errorE.

9. The unfortunate accident that causedA the explosion wasB extensivelyC reported in all the local newspapers and nationalD television. No errorE.

10. Neither of the answers provided in the memorandumA addressB my concerns aboutC the validity ofD the procedure. No errorE.

11. Katz claimed that reading classic novels isA more illuminatingB than to readC autobiographies written byD their authors. No errorE.

12. The students have beenA practicing for the concert sinceB three weeks, andC in that time haveD improved considerably. No errorE.

13. Suzanne recountedA her improbableB tale withC enthusiasm and in a convincing mannerD. No errorE.

14. If you were willingA to ask for directions, instead of doggedlyB driving on, we might get to ourC destination soonerD. No errorE.

15. WaitingA for the results ofB the final examination, the student‘s nerves wereC on edge; she could not sleep properly orD eat normally. No errorE.


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