
2014-10-16 21:44:13 立思辰留学 4008-941-360






1. A number of trainees whoA take this course every year findB that theirC knowledge of mathematics isD inadequate. No errorE.

2. Either of the solutions you haveA proposed areB acceptable to the union, whoseC members are willingD to compromise. No errorE.

3. The last man on earth willA abandon his ruined house forB a cave, andC his woven clothes for an animal‘sD skin. No errorE.

4. The station was a hiveA of bustling activity,B the arrival of the train was the most importantC event of the day inD that remote place. No errorE.

5. My grandmother’s legacy isA substantial, especiallyB if the value of the rare stamps areC taken intoD consideration. No errorE.

6. Neither Bradley, nor moreA recent critics who have writtenB on Shakespeare‘s tragedies, hasC been able to give a convincing explanation for the timing ofD events in Othello. No errorE.

7. The bridal gown was mostA unique: theB bridegroom designed itC and hisD mother provided the lace fabric. No errorE.

8. For a successful career asA a beautician, oneB must be prepared to dissemble:C you must not tell your client the unvarnished truth about his or herD appearance. No errorE.

9. When Russell Wallace and Darwin independentlyA proposed similar theories, Darwin hadB already accumulated extensive evidence with whichC to support hisD ideas. No errorE.sat

10. Everyone whoA visits Singapore is impressedB by its cleanliness, whichC is mainly a result of rigorous implementation of theirD strict laws. No errorE.

11. She wondered whetherA the city had changed alotB since she had left to go toC university.D No errorE.

12. The company bowedA to pressure,B now itC has removed the offensive advertisement fromD the hoarding. No errorE.

13. I willA not object to hisB delivering the lecture asC long as he is told not to make personal attacks onD his critics. No errorE.

14. WhileA he thinks the phenomenonB is the result of enzyme action, I believe it is caused byC a shortage ofD a neurotransmitter. No errorE.

15. Cynthia argued vehemently withA her mother overB herC refusal to attendD the school concert. No errorE.


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