据留学360介绍,SAT数学的考察方法和出题形式与国内数学有很大的区别。SAT数学试题的一大特点是图表的大量应用。许多SAT数学考题偏重应用类型,因此都尽可能多地提供图象从而对题目内容进行说明。中国考生习惯了国内数学的出题和解题方式,在抽象思维和代数解题技巧上更有优势,面对这种应用类型的图表题往往会不 所措。很多考生的数学不能考到780分或者800分,都是不能适应SAT数学的考试形式,读题不准确或者理解不到位,从而导致运算结果出错。
Figures I and II above show two stacks of identical pails and their heights. If n is the number of pails in a stack and n>1, the height of the stack , in inches, is given by h(n)=2n+8. The number 2 in the equation represents what quantity shown in Figure III?
(A) a, the height of one pain
(B) b, the height of the overlap of two pails
(C) c, the distance between the top of one pail and the top of the next pail in the stack.
(D) d, the diameter of the bottom of each pail
(E) e, the volume of the bottom pail that remains after the second pail is stack on top of it.