GMAT中的阅读单项一直被认为是广大学员所头疼的部分。很多同学说其他单项(逻辑、语法)都做了好几遍了就是阅读这个单项一直充满着一层抹不去的阴影。而很多学员把这种阴影都归于词汇量的不足还有语法的不透彻所导致。其实词汇量的不足还有语法的不透彻也不是让广大学员做不好GMAT阅读的绝对原因。在GMAT这个级别做好阅读的基础不可否认要与词汇和语法有关,但也不要扩大化了这两个因素的重要性。一般情况下在复习阅读之前把GMAT红宝书过上两三遍(或者把托福的词汇复习的很好)就已经算上有一定的词汇量了,同时在了解一下在GMAT中喜欢常见的语法现象(如:ing 作伴随状语、过去完成时等)就足以可以帮助学员们能读懂这个级别的文章了。如果文章能得到有效的解决那么我们就成功了一半了,再加上我们能够对阅读中的题干有一定的认识或能习惯题干的问法(就是了解GMAT阅读的问法和出题思路),那么唯一剩下的选项实在对我们构成不了什么威胁!其实如何提高对于GMAT阅读问题的理解才是做好GMAT阅读的关键,而这一切都包含在GMAT的官方指南当中。如果能详细阅读官方指南再稍加思索很多阅读的题目就不再困难了。
对于GMAT阅读官方分为六大题型,这六大题型分别是主旨题(main idea)、细节题(supporting ideas)、推理题(inference)、信息运用题(Applying information to a context outside the passage itself)、逻辑结构(logic structure)、态度题(about the style and tone).其实稍加思索我们就能发现官方对于这六个题型的排序还有出题思路都透露了不少值得我们留意的做题信息。比如说前三个题型(主旨题、细节题、推理题)都是在考察同学们的细节定位需要同学们主动去查找细节信息再来做题,而后三个题型(信息运用题、逻辑结构、态度题)考察的是同学们的概括能力,因为后三个题型基本上在题干中官方已经给予了“强行定位”需要同学们在阅读完官方定位的内容后有一定的运用和概括能力再做题。除此之外在我们阅读完官方指南各个题型的出题的思路后我们会发现各个题型之间的连带关系更加明显。比如说细节题和推理题之间的联系,首先我们看一下在这两个题型中官方给予出的连带关系:
facts cited in a passage (直接引用原文)
recognize an alternative interpretation of a statement made by the author
The primary purpose of the passage is to propose
The primary purpose of the passage is to
In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?
段落首尾句相加 (多段论:首段首尾句与尾端首尾句相加,或每段首句相加)(两段论:两段首尾句相加)(一段论:首尾句相加并注意作者态度性用词和转折)注意:首尾句不包括问句和直接引语。
N名词(文章首句的主语居多) + 作者态度 (出题最多)
概括第一段 and (or) 概括后面的段落
例:N名词(文章首句的主语居多) + 作者态度 (出题最多)
Coral reef are one of the most fragile , biologically complex ,and…..(主要名词出现)
This symbiotic process allows organisms in the reef community to use ….
Unfortunately for coral reefs, however, a variety of human activities are causing worldwide degradation of shallow ….. (态度出现)
Declines in reef communities are consistent with observations that…..
The passage is primarily concerned with
(a) describing the effect of human activities on algae in coral reef
(b) explaining how human activities are posing a threat to coral reef communities(正确)
(c) discussing the process by which coral reef deteriorate in nutrient-poor water
(d) explaining how coral reefs produce food for themselves
(e) describing the abundance of algae and filter-feeding animals in coral reef areas
例:概括第一段 and (or) 概括后面的段落
Current feminist theory, in validating women‘s own stories of their experience, has encouraged scholars of women’s history to view the use of women‘s oral……
Unlike most standard histories, represent experience from the perspective of women, affirm the importance of women’s contributions…..
Scholars of women‘s history should, however, be as cautious about accepting oral narratives at face value as they already are about written memories…..
Thus a woman who views the Second World War as pivotal in increasing the social acceptance of women’s paid work outside the home may reach that conclusion partly and unwittingly……
The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) contrasting the benefits of one methodology with the benefits of another
(B) describing the historical origins and inherent drawbacks of a particular methodology
(C) discussing the appeal of a particular methodology and some concerns about its use (正确)
(D) showing that some historians‘ adoption of a particular methodology has led to criticism of recent historical scholarship
(E) analyzing the influence of current feminist views on women’s interpretations of their experience