Currency 货币
Balance 结余
Overdraft/overdraw 透支:
What if I overdraw 透支了咋办
Credit card 信用卡
Debit card 借记卡
Due date 信用卡还款日
Checkings account 支票储蓄账户
Check 支票: cash a check 兑现支票
Money order/Cashier‘s Check 汇票/本票 (租房很多时候会用来交押金,需要先存指定金额才能拿到)
Savings account 定期账户
Service charge 服务费
Interest rate 利率
Deposit your money (in the account/ with the bank) 存钱
Pay my bills 付款
Withdraw 支取: withdraw 100 dollars from my savings account 从定存中支取100刀