I‘d like to have a chance for promotion. 我希望能有个升迁的机会。
I would like to have a chance to get ahead. 我希望能有个升迁的机会。
I’ll ask for a promotion. 我要求升职。
I promoted you. 我提升你了。
We‘ve decided to promote you to a Program Manager. 我们决定提拔你做企划经理。
You’ll be promoted to a higher level than your last post. 你会被提拔到比你过去岗位更高的级别。
What job do you want? 你要求做什么工作?
What job are you applying for? 你要求做什么工作?
I‘d like an office job in the personnel department. 我希望到人事部门做事。
I want to be an office clerk in the personnel department. 我要做人事部办公室文员。
I’ll try my best to learn the new job. 我将尽力做好新工作。