

2014-07-01 13:34:42 立思辰留学 4008-941-360





(fancy) diving 跳水运动

dive 跳水

springboard diving 跳板跳水

platform [high] diving 跳台跳水

synchronized [pair] diving 双人同步跳水

exhibition diving 跳水表演

comic [funny] diving 滑稽跳水

cliff diving 悬崖跳水

(fancy) diver 跳水运动员


compulsory (dive); required dive 规定动

optional [voluntary] (dive) 自选动作

diving table 跳水难度表

denomination of dive 跳水动作名称

dive with limit 有难度系数限制的跳水动作

dive without limit 无难度系数限制的跳水动作

attempt; trial dive 试跳

fail; miss 失败

repeat a dive 重跳

re-start 重做开始动作

evaluation 评分

very good 很好(8.5-10.0 分)

good 好(6.5一8.0分)

satisfactory 较好(5.0-6.0分)

deficient 普通(2.5-4.5分)

unsatisfactory 不好(0.5-2.0分)

completely failed 完全失败(0分)

dive 跳水动作

list of dives 跳水动作表

coefficient [degree] of difficulty 难度系数

plain dive 低难度动作

highly difficult dive/stunt/stunner 高难度动作

number of dives 动作号码

manner of execution 动作方式

carriage/bearing 跳水姿势

fall dive/sailor‘s dive 倒下跳水

attention position 立正姿势

standing dive 立定跳水

standing takeoff 立定起跳

running dive 跑动[助跑]跳水

forward [front]dive 向前跳水

forward dive layout/plain header forward/swallow [swan] dive 向前直体跳水

back(ward)dive 向后跳水

reverse dive/half gainer 反身跳水

full gainer 反身翻腾

double gainer 反身翻腾两周

inward dive/cutaway 内跳水

twist dive 转体跳水

armstand [handstand] dive 臂立跳水

armstand back fall 臂立向后跳水

armstand somersault 臂立翻腾

cut through 中穿

flying 飞身/燕式

flying gainer 反身飞身跳水

inverted swan position 反燕式姿势

butterfly dive 蝶式跳水


warm-up dive 跳水准备活动

running takeoff 跑动起跳

starting position 开始姿势

approach/run/walk 走板/跑台

platform steps 跳台上的助跑步

hopping step 踏跳步

hurdle (step) 跨跳步

bounce 弹跳

power [lifted] leg 摆动腿

forward lean 向前倾斜

backward lean 向后倾斜

angle of leg thrust 蹬腿角度

takeoff 起跳

forward takeoff 向前起跳

angle of takeoff 起跳角度

boardwork 跳板跳水练习


spring up 腾起

flight/path [passage] through the air 腾空

duration of flight 腾空时间

crest [top] of the dive 跳水动作最高点

in-flight maneuver 空中技巧

position in height [in the air] 空中姿势

straight;layout; position A 直体;A式

pike; position B 屈体;B式

tuck; position C 抱膝;团身;C式

free; any position; position D 自由式;D式

open pike 开放式屈体(双手置体侧)

closed pike; jackknife 封闭式屈体(双手触踩或抱腿)

somersault 翻腾

flying somersault 飞身翻腾

forward somersault 向前翻腾

back somersault 向后翻腾

1 1/2 somersaults 翻腾一周半

double somersaults 翻腾两周

2 1/2 somersaults 翻腾两周半

triple somersaults 翻腾三周

forward 3 1/2 somersaults 向前翻腾三周半

twist;turn; trunk rotation 转体

half twist[turn] 转体半周

full twist 转体一周

double twists 转体两周

forward dive 1 twist 向前转体一周

flip turn 翻腾转体

forward 1 1/2 somersaults 1/2 twist 向前翻腾一周半转体半周

1 1/2 somersaults 1 1/2 twists 翻腾一周半转体一周半

spinning force 旋转力量

spinning speed 旋转速度

spinning momentum 旋转动量

draw up 挺直

extend straightforward 向前伸直

hollow back 弓背

arched position 弓背姿势

head down on chest 低头含胸

abdomen in [flat] 收腹

move arms down 向下压臂

opening/coming out/alignment 打开

body straightening 身体展开


entry 入水

entry work 入水技术

splash/spray/dome of water 水花

upjet 上喷水流(入水时出现在水面上)

rip [clean/splash-free] entry 压水花

bubble 水泡

head-first entry 头先入水的跳水动作

feet-first entry 脚先入水的跳水动作

belly-flop 腹部拍水


diving pool [well]/bath 跳水池

center line 中心线

cross line 纵线

springboard/(diving) board 跳板

one-meter springboard; low board 1米跳板

three-meter springboard/high board 3米跳板

fulcrum adjustor 支点调整装置

resilient/springy 有弹性的

non-skid[-slip] surface 防滑面

cocoanut mat 棕毯垫

rubber mat 橡皮垫

platform/tower 跳台

mechanical surface agitation 水面起波装置

bubble generator 气泡发生器

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